URGENT ALERT: Please beware of fraudulent Telegram and Whatsapp groups pretending to be affiliated with Sygnia and Sygnia staff members. Do not engage with these malicious and fraudulent groups in any way. Please direct all queries to admin@sfs.sygnia.co.za.

New horizons

Today’s business challenges are vast and complex – they require bold solutions that look beyond the obvious towards the extraordinary. That’s where you will find us.

How can Sygnia work for you?

Everything flows from a simple question: How do we best serve the complex and ever-evolving needs of our institutional clients? Meeting and anticipating those needs drives our spirit of innovation and adventure.

Asset management

Our investment approach combines a desire to deliver the best possible returns with a focus on managing the risk of capital loss and the need to minimise costs.

Investment administration

We offer a range of investment administration services, including multi-tier unitisation services, consolidated financial accounting and risk analysis reporting.

Sygnia Securities

Sygnia Securities is an independent stockbroker. Our primary business is execution-only transactions on the JSE as an approved JSE Member (exchange-traded business).


“I have gained a lot of experience working with Sygnia on behalf of my clients. I brag about the level of service they provide, especially by top management.”

Grant, institutional and direct investor

Onwards and upwards

We offer our institutional investors a range of balanced multi-manager funds (the Sygnia Signature funds) and a range of balanced and single-asset-class passive funds (the Sygnia Skeleton funds).

Your money is safe with us.

R1.2 Billion protection

Sygnia has adopted a policy of taking out professional indemnity insurance at more than double the cover recommended by our insurance advisors.

Rigorous auditing

Sygnia’s uncompromising focus on strong corporate governance means that all our processes are subject to regular reviews by internal and external auditors, as well as the scrutiny of an internal risk management division.

Independent oversight

The solvency levels of Sygnia Life are monitored by an independent actuary and valuator who regularly reports on our financial soundness to the regulators.

Let our team design the perfect solution for your needs.

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Call us on 011 595 0550
Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm.

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Contact our support centre and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. During business hours, we generally respond within 48 hours.

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