URGENT ALERT: Please beware of fraudulent Telegram and Whatsapp groups pretending to be affiliated with Sygnia and Sygnia staff members. Do not engage with these malicious and fraudulent groups in any way. Please direct all queries to admin@sfs.sygnia.co.za.


What we do

Sygnia Securities is an exclusive independent stockbroker whose primary business is execution-only transactions on the JSE as an approved JSE Member (exchange traded business).

How we do it

Sygnia Securities boasts an efficient and professional team with over 25 years of experience between its members. With the dynamics of the broking industry changing and execution-only trade growing, we pride ourselves on having a steady pipeline of basket natural flow that we can show to external clients.

Our focus is on boutique asset managers whose flow size is relevant to ours, and trading costs are consequently kept to a minimum.

Let our team design the perfect solution for your needs.

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Call us on 011 595 0550
Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm.

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